Gardening is a hobby of ours for over 30 years. Before moving into to the Guest House we had a two-acre garden in the country, which was located on the shores of Galway Bay. Over 30 years ago my father and I started sowing all our vegetables using fresh seaweed, which was dug into the soil to produce the richest soil from which we eat fantastic organic fruit and vegetables. We never used chemicals and we still don’t to this day.

Today we are still using seaweed to produce our fruit and vegetables in raised beds, which can be viewed at the rear of the Guest House. We use our glass house on an all year round basis which provides us with organic Tomatoes for almost six months of the year with fresh basil and peppers. All our breakfast meals are serviced with our organically grown tomatoes and garnished with our own Parsley. In November we pot all our garlic and large onion bulbs in individually pots, which are then transplanted into the Garden early March. we harvest the truly great Garlic and onions which cannot be matched from the ones you purchase in the supermarkets.
We use all our food waste in our Organic Food Waste Digester to produce pure organic compost. Our food waste is emptied every day into the composter with some saw dust which acts as a vital energy source for the organism for breaking down the waste, sawdust has exceptional absorption properties. The sawdust comes from our workshop where during the winter months we carry out a lot of woodturning.

Our garden produces the most fantastic flavoured Potatoes, Cabbage, Mango tout, peas, lettuce and a wide variety of herbs from which we achieve two crops per year. We use our raised bed to rotate the variety of vegetables from bed to bed every year. If you are walking through the garden please pick some lavender and the beautiful smell will linger with you all day.
Enjoy our flower and vegetable gardens and relax in our patio with any one of our many coffee specialty drinks or our Galway made organic herbal teas with a biscuit of your choice…all complementary from Padraic & Grainne.